Austin Gross

Austin Gross earned a Bachelor of Music degree from West Chester University, with a double-
major in Music Education and Music Theory and Composition, as well as an M.A. and a Ph.D. in
Music Theory from the Eastman School of Music. He has taught classes at the middle school
and high school levels, as well as at Franklin & Marshall College and West Chester University,
leading classes in music theory, aural skills, jazz history, and traditions of improvisation.
Austin Gross has adjudicated for Music in the Parks, served as a director for high school and
middle school orchestras, played bass in jazz bands, quintets, quartets, trios, and duos, and
served as the house singer and jazz pianist in an upscale restaurant. He has also served as a
church musician, leading the music during worship services on guitar, piano, and organ, and has
enjoyed directing youth in musical groups during worship services. In short, he revels in musical
major in Music Education and Music Theory and Composition, as well as an M.A. and a Ph.D. in
Music Theory from the Eastman School of Music. He has taught classes at the middle school
and high school levels, as well as at Franklin & Marshall College and West Chester University,
leading classes in music theory, aural skills, jazz history, and traditions of improvisation.
Austin Gross has adjudicated for Music in the Parks, served as a director for high school and
middle school orchestras, played bass in jazz bands, quintets, quartets, trios, and duos, and
served as the house singer and jazz pianist in an upscale restaurant. He has also served as a
church musician, leading the music during worship services on guitar, piano, and organ, and has
enjoyed directing youth in musical groups during worship services. In short, he revels in musical